Fabulous Torture: Tips How To "Stay Healthy" 2017 Goal Resolution

Monday, January 2, 2017

Tips How To "Stay Healthy" 2017 Goal Resolution

Happy and healthy New Year 2017 everyone! Most of us set New Years resolutions every year, but only a small percentage actually follows through! I'm one of them. I'm happy and thankful for everything I have. The only resolution I make each year is to stay more active! 
Last year I started with yoga and running three times a week. I kept it up for six months and then just quit and never started back.. Grrr!
This year I will try again! So here are some tips to achieve a "stay healthy" goal resolution!

For me it's important to have a workout buddy. So many times I just don't feel like going or there is always something else "more important" to do, but a buddy is more incouraging and makes it harder to say NO!

It also helps to write goals down and create a poster with catchy pictures, healthy food and positive encouraging quotes. Keep it somewhere visible at all times! 

Pick a fun workout or something you know you would like to do and don't set yourself for failure! I know I can't succeed at the gym (to me it's boring), but I love positive energy workouts like yoga, Zumba or even a simple walk on the beach.

Learn to be happier with your life!
Surround yourself with happy, positive, nice and joyful people. With happiness comes energy and with energy comes success! Mean, negative people, gossipers have nothing to do, so they make themselves busy by saying, thinking and doing hateful things. It takes time and patience to learn how to find joy in the little things and not to let problems bring you down! Do YOU and what you enjoy and don't let others to negatively influence you!

I hope you all will have a nice, happy, healthy and successful 2017! I'm so grateful for all of my dear readers and subscribers. Thank you with all of my heart for all of you!!

Outfit details:
SHOES, also love this one

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